Saturday, February 4, 2012

Racing Lawnmower Update

Ive currently done nothing to my racing lawnmower because of the crappy weather and I have started working on a Mudding tractor and Need to fix some stuff before I can get it out of the shop and store it somewhere.

Rant on Safety People...

I know people might think these people are useless and some people love them because they could save there life but I just want to get mad at some of them. The ones that say stuff like "You shouldn't play with aluminum cans because they give off toxic fumes which can damage your lungs!". Do I look like I care I know that but thanks incase I didn't know. But its not that its that some are saying "Kids should stop playing on computers or video games because they are bad for their health, they should get outside and play!" Ok I'll stop playing on my computer and go outside and play with my aluminum cans, Ohh wait you don't want me to do that then what do I do? Play with my racing lawnmower? NO I can't do that, its bad for my health because its to loud and the exhaust fumes can hurt me. Look at your "eco friendly" car that is going to damage the enviroment in 10 years because those batteries don't last forever. So I can't do anything other then run around in circles and play with a ball, No again Its going to hurt me if someone kicks it into my head, So I can't do anything? Eventually they will want us to stop eating food and die? So are you paying for my funeral? Sorry but I can't see you paying for it any time soon because you can't afford to do your job because you have to comply with your safety rules which take 3/4 of your yearly salary. This is really stupid and I don't see why they control our lives, Im on this earth because I want to do something, not boss someone around. See the Morrisburg Rocket Jump for an example: A guy attempts to jump the St.Lawrence River, He follows some Safety(To do less damage to himself when he lands) and has to call it off and an employee for his stunt business steals the car and does it under his own safety rules and doesn't die. This was what 30-40 Years ago and they had way less safety laws, If I were to attempt this(I would If i didn't have to fork out so much money for junk that isn't necessary I would of done it) I would never be able to do it because people would think of safety...and someone would attempt to sue me because its an influence, and Beer commercials aren't? 300-400 Years ago everyone had to attempt stuff that was extremely life threatening to survive. Now if I trip and fall onto the asphalt Its considered a danger and should be fixed....Nothing is going to get done if we fix everything related to safety. That is my Rant on Safety and how screwed up Governments are to allow people to sue others who haven't even seen each other before. The way I see it is if you use common sense then you don't need safety rules.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Racing Lawnmower Update

I got an Ariens YT12 is I didnt mention that in my old post. The Lawnmower is currently a 12HP Briggs and Stratton, I haven't done much to it other then replace the burnt fuel lines(the lawnmowers electrical caused a fire). I have torn the rear fenders off and battery box so where you sit is belts and pulleys, I got a free lawnmower with a 6 Speed Transmission(instead of a 3 speed high and low Transmission) and Im planning on putting that on the Ariens and putting the 16HP Briggs and Stratton Engine from a LawnFlite mower my father donated in the frame. The reason im using the Ariens is because the frame is lighter so I dont have to worry about much extra junk, The wiring problem is going to be easy to fix since The Lawnmower I got the 6speed transmission from has good wiring ill just swap the wiring from it. I guess thats it for now, Hopefully i can get another lawnmower from someone else to let my friend use to get back and forth between our houses(I think it might be a LawnFlite 5/26)

Monday, August 15, 2011

What I might do in the Future with this Blog

Well I've been thinking more in more for the last couple days since the last post and Ive been thinking of using this blog for updates on builds such as Lawnmower builds, My garage build, and Other builds.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

New Programs

I am starting to make new Programs, If you would like to see them please visit I have made All the Programs and would love for some of you to suggest some programs to make! Thanks

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Very Different.

I Started This Blog in 2006 with Blogs About Runescape and Never Advertised This Website. Looking Back at the Post I Deleted Them because they looked like someone wrote it in 2 minutes and you could make nothing now. Just remember, Im not Blogging About Runescape Anymore so if you Like that Them Subscribe!

W1ldyOvvnz Blog Is Back!

W1ldyOvvnz Blog Is Finally Back and Will be Updated More Often! So Subscribe to the RSS Feed! If You Would Like Free Stuff go to